Saturday, September 29, 2012

Of saying too many "maybe's."

Hello~ :DD

Today has been such a busy day for me. I had 3 classes for today: Mgt. Science, Econ-102, and Mktg. Mgt. And! I still had to go to a few places during my vacant time. Anyways, I don't know if I am having bad or good luck but this has been a bittersweet day for me.

Adam gave me a prediction today saying I will be great in my career. He said I liked being alone at certain times and I quite agree with this as I am a bit of an introvert. I was getting too fascinated with his talent when I heard of his bad luck prediction. He predicted that I don't have a lot of good luck when it comes to love. He pointed out that if I enter into a relationship during this stage, I would definitely get hurt. I know some of you might tell me this is nothing since it is just a prediction but honestly, I am disturbed by it. Because of this prediction, I am a bit worried. Haha. xP

Oh well, I should just research stuff about getting good luck :)

Also, today, me and my friends took a lot of photos using the Webcam Toy Application. It was really fun that I risked being late for my Mktg. Mgt, class. Hahha. :) Luckily, I arrived just on time. Blah blah, had quiz, an essay type of quiz, at that. Lucky! :D

Annnndd.. before I forget and before I change my mind, I have decided to get back to work this October. I decided I should earn a lot of money so I can go to all the places I wanna go and so that I can treat my family to a night out. :)

Buuut, it's harddddd.. I am not that motivated right now, honestly. Hayyzz. :(

Late this evening, a friend of mine pointed out that I am fond of saying too many maybe's. This comment made me realize how fond I am of overthinking. Yesss, I knooowww, many people have told me that I should not overthink. But I can't help it!! I can imagine a lotta things in a split second and I don't even know how to stop the process. Lol.


Okay. So much for a boring blog entry.
Sorry guys! Lol, got class on my law subject tomorrow 9 Am.

G o o d      N i g h t   ~   <3

Look at me, take a good look at me. Do you find me a little cute? The little bit of hope in my eyes is waiting for your love to arrive. :]