Second Semester of my Third Year in the University.
Hi! :D
How have you been? Lolz, it's been a long time since I last wrote a blog post. Right now, it's morning and I just took my breakfast. As usual, I ate it happily because my niece (Alliesha Joanna) was dining with me. I cooked a sunny side up and prepared our favorite course for breakfast, THE oatmeal. Hahahha. :)
Feeling lazy a bit. --_--
But! I have to go to school today or else it would be the END for me! Whew! Have to go there and finish the last step for the enrolment process. Yes, I am not yet enrolllleedddd. Lawl, but I have already paid my tuition fee and all. All there is left to do is to get the signature of my adviser (who wasn't at school last week, which is also why I wasn't able to enrol at an early date) and to surrender it to the university's Office of the College Secretary. Hm! Well, good luck to me. I hope this will be easy for me. I won't have the confidence to counter bad events and if unfortunate things really happen to me, I'll lose for sure. Lawl. Kidding! "You can do it, Ava!" --> is what I need to tell myself right now. xD
Okaaayy~ Gootttaa go now. Have to take a bath and all. Pleassseeeee, do be good to me, first day of classes!
P.S. Actually, it's the first day for me since I'm only going today. Hihi. -_- Gommeenassaaii, for being a lazy bum. xP and, good morning!! :D