Today was the most enjoyable and NOT BORING day I've ever had this entire month. Haha.
I learned about a lot of things, PLUS! I spent a lot of time with my family doin' reasonably useful things. :D
I'm so happyyy~~~
I went out with Sis and Mop and Bro to my grandfather's memorial bed. Given our very "dynamic" personalities, it was a big challenge, getting us in there without having to beat ourselves up. Haha. We managed and everyone was miraculously in a good mood that I couldn't just believe it. We spent a few hours there just recalling things about grandpop. We also prayed and before going home, me and bro felt the urge to buy some food. I bought an ice scramble and bro bought a drink. Not to mention how feminine she, I mean, he was while we were climbing up and down the other people's memorial beds. Haha. :)
I met my elementary classmates there too! Maria Theresa Indic and Joanna was there, if I recall their names correctly. I also saw some UPians and also some Leyteans. I also met some relatives and one face I can't ever forget was that of Uncle Eddie P. :) He had the warmest smile of all the other people there! His smile is jusrt wonderful. Yknw, the kind of smile that makes you want to smile too. Dignified, I guess?
Afterwards, we went to my sis' ballroom teach. While she was arranging for when they would meet and have the dance classes, I went out for a small trip by myself. I saw a very beautiful church near where Mop and I and Sis sat. I was very enthralled to it that I just laid down all my belongings to Mop's lap and walked to there. I was having second thoughts whether I should go or not but I figured since I was already there, I should just go. I entered the gate and walked towards the church while marveling at the beautiful site of the church and savoring the sweet scent of Tolosa's fresh air. On my right, I saw two kids playing by the meadow and on my left, I saw a man cleaning Mother Mary's sculpture. I was thinking maybe I should go to the kids or to the man but decided to just go straight to the church. I peeked inside the church and didn't see anyone at first glance. I draw nearer and saw some very wonderful things inside the church. Fascinated, I looked more into the church and just as I was goin' to get inside, I heard a melody coming from the church's altar. I took a glance and saw a boy in a white robe singing. I looked and he also noticed me. Feeling guilty that I had trespassed, I glanced the other way and walked farther from the door. I was goin' to get another peek and decided to go to the other entrance but saw a group of youngsters enjoying themselves. They saw me too, probably because of my footsteps, and took a good look at me. I knew because they stopped laughing and just looked at me, figuring what I would do next. I got jealous because I was alone and they were havin' fun since they were a lot and so I just turned around and acted like I lost interest and all. I was havin' second thoughts by this time, though, so my walking pace was very slow. After a while, I decided it'd be weirder if I just go back there and say, "Hey! Let's be friends!" and stuff so I just went back to Mop and Sis.
We decided to go home after that. :)
At home, we all watched a movie since it was raining, and we thought a movie and rain would be just great. The movie made me think about a lot of things. Such as: Anastasia of the Romanov Family, William Shakespeare, his love life, the Jews and Hitler. I learned a lot though, I actually skipped my daily tutoring. Oooops! I'm not a good teacher at all. Haha.
Hm. That's all for tonight! :)
William Shakespeare, let me be your Viola.